Of course my addiction to Pinterest started nearly two years ago when my tech savvy sister told me to sign up before most people knew about it. I have always loved to craft, DIY and decorate on a dime, and Pinterest fuels my obsession even more. I'd been eyeing so many projects but never had time to sit down and tackle until I proposed to my lovely sisters-in-law that we set aside a day together and each bring a craft. I love that you can see something you would love to try and just save it for later on the World Wide Web! That saves the extra paper clutter in my house. With the four of us being artsy, crafty and a whole bunch of other adjectives...we came up with some really great projects. We each brought the supplies and ideas for one (or two) crafts and worked away. Mod Podge was the theme of the day. We LOVE that stuff. Here is what we came up with.
Sam: Distressed chalkboard frames. We cleaned and spray painted the glass of some Goodwill picture frames with spray chalkboard paint. Some of us distressed the wood with spray paint. We also embellished with a T-shirt flower and rolled up ribbon.
Hannah: Hannah brought a variety of really cool glass containers and a stack of magazines. We each chose a theme and cut out magazine parts and used Mod Podge to adhere them to the bottles. They turned out really unique.
Lindsey: Lindsey brought mugs. We each researched our favorite Bible verse or quote and wrote on the mugs with Sharpie. After baking the mug, it's supposed to be permanent. She also brought a large bag of T-shirts and we made T-shirt headbands. With a little practice, these things are the coolest. She also showed me how to make a T-shirt flower (as seen on the Jesus chalkboard), but I ran out of steam to try that one.
Me: I brought the canvas for quotes. We each chose a quote or verse that we loved, cut the letters out of decorative paper on the Cricut and pasted them to the canvas with Mod Podge. I love how we each chose something to make ours different and stand out. Sam used her paper snow flakes as a stencil before she sprayed her canvas pink and I used a mixture of light blue and gray spray paint to make mine a little textured. Hannah used decorative paper and Lindsey used the Cricut to add a bird and branch. I also brought large aluminum cans and covered it with decorative paper. They make for great storage on shelves and in cupboards.
Can't wait to do it again!