Every Sunday I save the coupons from the newspaper. I keep them filed in a little accordion thing. I only cut out the coupons that I think I will use. I hardly ever cut out the ones that say "save 50 cents when you buy 6" because that's just silly. I also cut the ones I think I might use. I also use the special coupon doublers in the circular. Sign up for the bonus card, they send you extra coupons in the mail, too.
Here is my coupon advice:
- Don't buy it if you won't use it.
- Beware, sometimes it's cheaper to buy the store brand without a coupon than the name brand with a coupon.
- Watch the fine print, expiration date, etc. If you have a question, ask the service desk.
- Use the coupons with the closest expiration date first.
- Keep your coupons in your car or with your reusable grocery bags (and I hope you use those) so you don't forget them.
- Look in the grocery store circular for sale items. The best time to use a coupon is when the items are on sale. Stock up if you can, when you can.
- Don't cut out ALL the coupons. You'll never use them all. Pick what you use, what you might use or what you would like to try.
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