I've always been intimidated by stripping, sanding and painting wood. I mean, it just sounds complicated. But, this table was in sad shape. Look at the top. After tackling my dining room floor, I figured I could handle a small table. I am trying to convince Nate to let me decorate our upstairs office where I keep the sewing table. I want to make it a 1950s-style black and white theme. He says that we have other projects to finish first. But, I press on. So, instead of completely refinishing it, I decided to paint parts of it black and keep some wood.
Since the top was the worst, I started there. I added the same stripping liquid that I used on the floor (Citrus strip). I did the same to the drawers, but removed the knobs to keep them the wood color for a nice contrast. I waited about an hour and simply took a metal scraper (even though the jug said to use plastic, if you are careful, metal works better) and off slid the goo and a decent wood shone underneath.
Then I used an electric palm sander (about $30 at the hardware store) as well as my good old elbow grease to sand out the bumps and dents.
To finish, I used many layers of black paint on the drawer faces and the top until I was satisfied with the look. It took me a few days. I topped it off with a spray clear coat (but if I had to redo it I'd probably try to find a brush on. If you look close, you can see the spray marks.)

Wow, you are superwoman! The wood of this table is absolutely beautiful. I'm glad you didn't cover it all with black paint, but it looks nice the contrast between the two.
Thanks Jen!
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