Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Almost finished

Our dining room is almost finished. To the visiting eye it is finished, but we still have a few small details to take care of. Unfortunately, my camera is acting up. Fortunately, we are getting a decent tax return so I can buy a new digital camera. So, I hope to post pictures soon.
As for taxes, I was very nervous to tackle Nate and my taxes this year with the student loan interest, property taxes and mortgage interest. But a friend of mine said Turbo Tax was great! You don't even have to buy the software. You can go to www.turbotax.com and file online and not pay until you are finished. And even then, it's only $29.95 (extra for state) to file and totally worth it. She said she compared it to playing the slots...and I totally agree. After I entered Nate's W-2, the refund total shot up, then I added my W-2s and it went practically to zero. (I relished in the fact of only have two w-2s this year, because next year, I'll probably have six or so.) Then after each deduction, it slowly shot up again.
I haven't filed yet because Cracker Barrel offers a discount and off course I lost the information. But it looks pretty darn easy.
So here's hoping to a new digital camera!


Amy said...

I used Turbo Tax last year- but this year I used Tax Act. The basic one is free- plus $13.95 for the state.
The "ultimate package" which I think gives you more info on deductions is $16.95 which includes efile for the state return.

Nicki S. said...

Thanks for the tip. If I can track down the Cracker Barrel discount, I think Turbo Tax will cost the same, and I already spent all that time entering it. Maybe next year I will check out Tax Act. Turbo Tax was TOO easy!

Jen Vogelsong said...

I use Turbo Tax too. I wonder if Tax Act is that easy?

I can't wait until you have a new digital camera and can start posting pictures on your blog again!

(BTW, check out the listings on the York and Hbg craigslist because the electronics category has been booming lately. I just bought an iPod off there this week -- yeah, I finally broke down and ceded to apple. My other MP3 player was so frustrating to use that I never used it)

Amy said...

I don't have any deductions except student loan interest- but Tax Act is just as easy. It asks you all of the questions.

Nicki S. said...

It's really sad, but Nate and I are over the $2,500 max for student loan interest deductions...he paid $3,400 in student loan interest and I paid $111