Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I love teaching, but it takes a lot of time

I never thought I would stay past my 8 hours day and not be bothered by it. I actually don't mind sticking around school when everyone has left for the day and getting my paperwork done. "Paperwork?" you question. I know. Teachers aren't supposed to do paperwork. But special education teachers are buried in it.
I do mind that I miss time with my husband and dog, but they are understanding, thank goodness.
IEPs are time consuming. Having a caseload of students, calling parents and checking up on them is also time consuming. Not to mention that I teach, have duties and want to spend time with my students.
The thing is, I really love this job. I don't mind getting up early and going in to get work done. I enjoy looking for activities and plans to do with my students. I like hearing about their day and how they are doing. It's still the beginning of the year (well nearly two weeks in), but I am looking forward to an awesome school year!

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