Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Beautiful bins

This is my beautiful mess before I added my fav: BINS!

This was the bookshelf in my dining's a horrible picture, and a horrible mess.

The bottom just got overrun by toys, junk and who in the world knows what else is down there. My kids access this area a lot with the play food and play dough for the kitchen beside it. I also use it for recipe books (rarely, since I love Pinterest for recipes now.) So, I decided to do what I always do and make some bins. Check out here how I did it before. Last time I used amazon boxes, and this time I used boxes from the post office. They are strong and sturdy. As you can see, I was able to throw all of the food into one box and all of the play-dough into another box. It turned out pretty good. Of course, if I took a picture today, it would be messy again.

The bookshelf after the makeover with the two bins from post offices boxes.

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