Monday, January 5, 2009

One day down

It's official, my first day of substitute teaching is over, and I lived to tell about it. I was actually really lucky to be placed in 6th grade jump start at Hanover Middle School for the day. It was a really small class -- 13 kids -- with a team teacher who took over all the teaching duties. The teachers were SO helpful. I really only had the students for a bit and they were good for the most part. I definitely need to learn to be more stern. The one kid said, "Well, I thought you were nice, but I guess I was mistaken." It didn't hurt my feelings, the poor kid can't even read, so I just felt sad for him.

I even survived a fire drill and two of the students made me cards (even though they were supposed to be working on their homework!)

I can really tell I am going to love teaching. I can see what challenges I will face, but I can also see the joys of being in the classroom. I am hoping to get a call for tomorrow, but if I have the day off, there will be no complaints from this gal. 5.5 years in journalism wore me out!


Jen Vogelsong said...

"At the request of my former co-workers" -- man, way to divorce us quick! :)

Glad to hear the first day went well! It's strange that you're not here.

Nicki S. said...

If I would have drug it out, I would have been so sad...and I can't do that to myself. I miss you guys a lot, too!