Monday, March 31, 2014

T-shirt quilt not done, but darn near close

Click here to see original post.
I swore that I started this project in 2011, but alas, it was 2009.
Good news is, I feel very close to finishing this 5 year old project. VERY CLOSE. It’s amazing how a few years of crafting increases your confidence.

Last weekend, I teamed up with my sister in law. Both of us were in a crafting slump and meeting together with no kids or distractions was the perfect way to jumpstart our stalled projects. We talked. We laughed and we got some work done. My project is now ready to be quilted together (the scariest step of all for me, anyway.) 
It’s clipped together with magnetic clips…the backing, the batting and the top. I have nightmares about bunching and shifting, but I am committed to taking my time on this guy. This is a sentimental and amazing project that I cannot wait to complete.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Tie it up: Spring wreath

  I have a pretty beautiful front door. It's probably original to the house, built in 1938ish. It's deserving of some adornments. I have a great fall and Christmas wreath that were gifts, but I needed something for spring, summer and winter. So, I set out on a mission. Since it's timely, here is the spring one. I am a pretty random crafter. I kind of start with an idea and just wing it. I am sure this drives some people crazy, but I don't always like to read directions...I just want to craft.
What you need:
Wire wreath frame (About $3 at Wal-mart)
Fabric remnants (a sheet is a great, cheap choice)
Needle and thread (hot glue if you hate to sew)
1. Cut your fabric into strips. I would say about 8 inches or so.
2. The wreath has 4 rings. I found it covers the wreath better with less fabric if you use one of the middle rings and not the inside or outside.
3. Simply start tying knots. You can space them as close or far as you want. Tie until your whole wreath is covered. It’s a great project to do while watching TV or socializing.
4. For the flowers, there are A LOT of tutorials on Pinterest for these. I read a few and then just did what I thought worked for me. I just cut different sizes of a flower shape and layered them until it looked like a flower. I sewed them together in the center and added a button.
That is it! Seriously.

Friday, March 28, 2014

4 Month sleep regression is real

I have not posted for many reasons, but the main one is: I don't feel like myself. When I don't sleep, I am a mean, impatient, unmotivated slug. And, my darling Ez wasn't giving me consistent stretches of sleep. This photo shows him...plotting his sleep disasters for me.

My kids aren't horrible sleepers. I have heard and read many worse. But no  matter how hard I try, I do not stop obsessing until my kid sleeps enough that I feel human.   That being said, I totally and fully believe in the 4 month sleep regression.  After two who slept for 12 hour stretches from 9 weeks and another who slept so inconsistently I lost track...they BOTH regressed to different degrees at the 4 month mark. Both were taught healthy sleep habits (some of you call it sleep training). Both were able to self soothe. Both put themselves to sleep without a peep. Yet, both of them felt it necessary to regress. The 12 hour sleeper started waking once a night to eat after about 8 hours. The inconsistent crazy sleeper was waking every 4 hours and WOULDN'T eat until 10-12 hours had expired. I told myself I wouldn't beat myself up over sleep after the first baby, but I did. I do. I can't help it. I feel like it's my fault and I should have to fix it. But guess what? They sleep when they are ready. Some things may help, of course, and you will read about them all over the Internet. However, nothing is a magic pill.
I have to say that you have to know your child. You have to be confident in your choices. And you HAVE to know it will get better, even if it feels like it NEVER will.
Sleep disasters can wreak havoc on your family. It can divide a once loving couple. It can scare your preschooler. It can cause depression. It can do so many destructive things. I know, I let it.
The first thing I recommend is that you read a sleep book. I had no idea how a baby sleeps (number of hours, number of naps, etc.). I read and love "The Sleep Program" by Dana Obleman. It taught me to ignore people who said....
"did you try keeping them up later?" (sorry Kelly), Did you let them cry? Maybe it will get better when.....
Anyway, after you've read a great book and you hit a regression, here is my advice:
1. Don't try to be superwoman. Ask for help. Once I asked for help...the pain eased a bit.
2. Don't blame your baby. Really, they aren't doing it to piss you off.
3. Try to come up with a reason why they are waking that makes you feel bad for them. For example. I HATE when I wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall back asleep. I curse. So, I told myself that both of my kids had SO much on their minds (I mean, they are developing at a rapid rate) that they would wake and not know what the heck was happening. Of course, since they knew how to self sooth they probably tried to snuggle their blanket or suck their thumb and it just didn't happen. There are plenty of nights I know how to fall asleep and still can't do it. So, when my babies woke, I wanted to help them. I wanted to help them find a way to settle down, and it wasn't CIO (cry it out) in this circumstance.
4. Last night, I prayed. I wanted to be a servant to my children. I wanted to put aside all of my selfish needs and serve them with a happy heart. It worked. It doesn't always, but last night, it did.
5. Don't be a afraid to let your child cry. I was surprised to find that MANY times, the babies could go back to sleep within a certain time frame. I gave them 10 minutes. Then it increased to 15 sometimes. I just stuck to a plan and TRIED to stay consistent. Sometimes you just can't stand it.
6. Chamomile tea. Could have been a coincidence, but I think it helped us both settle.
7. Try not to compare. I say "try" because it's inevitable. If someone said their sleep regression lasted 1 week and you're on week're going to go insane. I read in a book that you can't compare your insides to someone else's outside. I can't say it enough...but EVERY child is different. My children are proof. You don't expect all kids to walk or crawl at the same pace, we can't expect them to all sleep well at the same pace, either.  
8. Vent. Talk to other mothers. Share your concerns and most of all: BE REAL! I want to slaughter mothers who paint a pretty picture of motherhood. At times, I am feeling REALLY, REALLY good and probably am guilty of this, but I have made a conscious effort to share my war stories so other mothers don't feel like they aren't living up to my "outside" appearance.
9.  Take time for yourself. I utilize my husband, parents and friends to  help me. I still want to be able to shop with space in my cart and no time constraint for feedings or naps. It makes me happy and fills my bucket. I am a much better mother when my bucket is full. I do it a lot, and I don't feel guilty...well, most times I don't.
10. This is going to sound SO morbid, but on a really rough night, when I was trying to calm him, I asked myself if this were his last breaths, how would I treat him. Of course, I started sobbing, but I spoke sweetly to him, shared my love for him and cherished each sweet breath.
And I hate to say it, but baby No. 1 hit a regression at 8 months, too. So, if my sleep regression is REALLY over, I am going to sleep all I can for the next few preparation for our next go round, whenever that may be.  

Black and grey desk makeover

I am addicted to finding old stuff and making it new. I don't want to say "junk" because this desk was FAR from junk. My dad found it at an auction for a ridiculously low price and handed it off to me. It was in great condition, solid wood and would cost a fortune at a furniture store today. But, it had the "old" look. He painted it cream and distressed it, but it needed a little character. I personally made it something I would put in my office, in case it didn't sell for what I wanted to get for it, it would have  home.
I am getting more efficient. I painted this in about two days once I committed to it. It was sitting in my basement since the fall, though. I hope to have more projects to paint, once he starts heading to the auctions again. I did pick up an old, falling apart sewing table for free on the side of the road. I have to practice my carpentry skills on that one!