Friday, August 1, 2008

Thank goodness for girlfriends and Friday

I am so happy it's Friday.

I am headed to the mountains with two girlfriends and two children. I can't wait. Home was getting a little frustrating. When the husband forgets to take out the trash and doesn't have the intuition to empty the clean dishwasher, it's time for a break. Keeping my mouth shut is really hard, but I know it's for the best.

I can't wait to relax with a good book. I snagged "The Alienist" by Caleb Carr from Nate. It's a long one....but I've been a reading machine lately.

I also can't wait to go for a jog. Running under the shade of the forest and the smell of trees is heavenly. I forgot my camera, so my hopes of posting pictures are dashed. My cell phone camera just won't cut it, I am sure.

have a happy weekend!

1 comment:

Lo said...

And how long will keeping your mouth shut last? For me it was about 5 minutes!