Saturday, May 1, 2010

The female brain

As I ran 4 miles in the heat today, the conversation in my head went something like this:

"Wow, I didn't realize how hot it was."
"It smells like a ferret out here. I wonder if there is one hiding in the bushes."
"I should have brought some paperwork home for the weekend."
"Man, I am parched."
"Why don't people acknowledge that I am saying hello."
"Why do people spell my name wrong so often?"
"How can the outside smell like a ferret? Am I suffering from heat exhaustion?"
"I wish my shorts weren't so short."
"I wish it was safe to drink out of the creek."
"Can I really beat my time in the triathlon."

And that was only in the first five minutes.
Imagine, if we could organize our brains better! We would rule the world.

1 comment:

Jen Vogelsong said...

Too funny! thanks for sharing. :)