Sunday, May 11, 2014

Reintroduction of myself

I started this blog almost 6 years ago. I haven't kept it up as much as I would like, but I am still here!

It's funny how it here if you want to know.

But in 6 years, a lot has happened.

I am still a wife, thank God. Thank God that my husband and I are committed to this crazy journey because it's not easy. But I am a totally different kind of wife. I am working toward being less selfish in my relationship and learning that love truly is a choice, an action...not a feeling.

I still love to cook and bake...I just don't get to go it as often as I would like.

I still love to exercise outside, but have moved my pursuits inside because the YMCA has childcare. I bike and run, just now how I used to. Swimming hasn't happened in quite some time.

I still love to make things new from old things and tackle projects around the house, it just happens a lot less frequently and in smaller doses.

I still love to bargain shop, but am definitely not opposed to spending a lot of money (oh say $88) on a pair of jeans that make my mom body feel like a rock star who might still have some shape.

What else is different is that I now run a household of one dog, two cats and two children. I am home with the kids full time until August when they will be 3 years old and 9 months. Holy hell....what a wake up call. I always thought of staying home with your kids as a relaxing vacation. Um, no way. I forget to make dinner, I neglect cleaning, I nap at random times, I sleep in chunks of 2 hours at a time, sometimes I spend money on things for convenience and saving time, I can't remember the last book I read, my craft projects are piling up on Pinterest and I am not sure I will ever get to them all, my car is always dirty, my clothing style is now mom casual, I am addicted to the slow cooker, there is dog hair on everything in my house including my 6 month old, I have really old leftovers in my fridge and I often forget to take out the trash.

My life is a crazy, beautiful journey. I have learned to be real, to air my imperfections with pride and work on making them better. I have learned to forgive, forget, reforgive and reforget. I have learned that my life isn't a magazine cover and I don't have to be perfect. I just have to be me. And, I love that. I love tackling projects and learning new skills. And I hope this blog continues to be inspiration for its small readership as well as a way for me to chronicle my progress of being just a Mrs. Ordinary!  

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