Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Five second rule

Anyone who knows me well, knows that I hate to waste...ANYTHING. I dream about using every last ingredient in my overflowing pantry in some dish or dinner. As I use it, I get excited that it's dwindling down. I hate to throw things away. I recycle incessantly. Can, bottles, cardboard and paper. Even the food scraps go in the compost bin. I reuse EVERYTHING.
I also apply the five second rule to everything. I am clumsy. I can easily drop stuff on the floor and think it's a big waste (and a no-no) to throw it away. However, I drew the line the other day. I was packing my husband's lunch when a few potato chips fell on the floor. NO, I didn't pick them up and put them in his lunch. I know not everyone subscribes to my no-waste rule and shouldn't have to suffer. But, I did eat one. As I popped it in my mouth, I cringed. We have a big dog now (60 pounds), that sheds big black coarse hairs all over my house. And that hair really, really sticks to everything, including potato chips that have been on the floor for less than five seconds. I immediately ran to the trash can and spit out the chip, along with at least a half dozen dog hairs. YUCK! I don't vacuum daily, like I should, but I do vacuum as often as I can. Apparently, it doesn't matter. So, I guess the five second rule is null and void in my house from here on out.

1 comment:

Jen Vogelsong said...

Too funny! I'm glad you're back to blogging. :)