Monday, April 27, 2009

Summer is motivation

When I walked outside yesterday, there were so many signs of summer. There was the hum of lawn mowers and weed whackers. As well as the muffled laughs of far off gatherings of friends and neighbors. There was the faint chirping of birds.
And I am not ready. Even though I have picked up my exercise routine to 4 to 6 days a week, I am still carrying more winter weight than I ever have. Is this a sign of what is to come? As I age, it's going to be harder and harder to keep off that unsightly cellulite. And it doesn't help that I totally love food.
I am debating joining Weight Watchers again. It's the only thing that really worked for me other than stress and breakups (which I don't really suffer from much anymore). In fact, I think I am so happy that I just eat more and more.
What worries me is that even though I lost 16 pounds last time I did Weight Watchers (which I have gained all and more back), I became kind of obsessed, carrying a lunchbox with me everywhere I went filled with "my food." I hope this time around, I can be more realistic and not expect a ridiculous drop..rather a healthy balance. Who knows? I think I will always suffer this terrible body image problem.
I've tried that whole "I exercise, so I am healthy thing," but it doesn't work when your pants don't fit.
We'll biggest goal is just to be happy.

1 comment:

Jen Vogelsong said...

It is so hard. I think the important (and tough) thing is that you feel comfortable with your weight. It would be great to lose 30 pounds, but mostly I just want to get enough weight off to improve my energy level and backaches.