Friday, June 26, 2009

Sad news

I hate to break the sad news, but Simon is in kitty heaven.
I took him to the vet this morning. He was extra energetic, meowing and trying to get out of the cage with all the strength he could muster. It made me hope that he was feeling better. But a test for feline leukemia quickly came up positive and the vet recommended that I euthanize him. She said he probably had a herpes virus and severe skin problems from all the fleas and ticks he once had. She also said by the looks of his teeth, he was probably an older cat, maybe 7 to 10 years old.
But he was so brave. He let them pick him up and take his blood without as much as a peep. The vet said they sedated him to calm him to sleep so he wouldn't feel any pain. I couldn't help but feel so sad that I was carry his limp body out in a cardboard box. I tried to tell myself that this was just a stray cat that I only cared for for less than a week. But he really touched me and I couldn't help but shed a few tears. I know I did the right thing. He would have probably died sooner than later and suffered badly in the process. Even though it cost me $77 (definitely not a bargain), it was well worth it. I think he had a nice soft and peaceful place to sleep for that last week, even if it was my hot and stuffy garage. And he was just the dearest cat. He always looked forward to seeing me and having me rub his little fluffy head.
So thanks for all the support, can you tell I am a softy?


Jen Vogelsong said...

Oh Nicki! I am so sad to hear this, but, like you said, it is probably for the best. You can be proud for the way you took care of him and gave Simon a wonderful last week of life. Many people wouldn't have bothered to spend the time and money you did.

Nicki S. said...

Thanks Jen. I am sure he appreciated my kind gestures. He was a pleasure to have, I just wish he could have stuck around to enjoy health again!