Tuesday, July 21, 2009

For the love of the library!

I volunteer at the library on Mondays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. I started as a way to stay busy in the summer and get me out of the house. Monday was my first day. I LOVED it. I checked books in and out, I shelved books, called patrons to let them know their books were in and a few other tasks the librarian needed me to do.
I forgot that the library has magazines you can take out. I have always loved Real Simple, but never took the time to subscribe. I already subscribe to at least four, maybe five magazines. So what a savings. I can check out the magazines they have read them in a few days and return them for someone else to read! It saves money. Volunteering also saves me the fine money I would have to pay! I am notorious for not being able to finish books on time.
I also get to see what all the kids are reading, the new books, etc. It also forces me be to up on my literature knowledge because as an English teacher, people think I know it all. I am really glad that I took this volunteering on. It's a relaxing way to spend Monday mornings!

1 comment:

Jen Vogelsong said...

That sounds like fun Nicki. So, as a volunteer, they absolve you of your fines? :)