Sunday, February 22, 2009

Things I've learned as a substitute teacher

Well, it's been nearly two months since I left the YDR. I am learning something new everyday. Some are silly and some are serious, and I am sure there are more to come.

1. When you really have to go to the bathroom, there is no one there to relieve you.
2. Some students could care less about school and there is not much you can do to change it.
3. Teenagers know more about drugs, alcohol, etc. than I ever will.
4. Every day is different and when you least expect it....students surprise you.
5. Getting up at 6 a.m. isn't as bad as I thought, especially when I get to take naps now.
6. Eating lunch at 10:30 a.m. isn't as bad as it sounds.
7. Eating dinner at 4 p.m. isn't that bad either.
8. More time after work doesn't mean more motivation to make it to the gym.
9. Review games with food prizes don't carry as much weight as you think they do.
10. Teachers have a lot of meetings, too!

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