Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Work update

I have to say I expected to be a day-to-day substitute through the end of the school year. Of course, I hoped for somthing more concrete. I had a crazy phone call about two weeks ago, only two weeks into my subtitute teaching career. It was emotional supprt supervisor at York County School of Technology. She said the IU said I was available to substitite and she wanted to interview me!
I called her back, just to see what this was all about. After a little here and there, I am commited to fill in for the emotional support science teacher at YCST through the middle of May. I am excited, scared and happy all at one time. I will probably miss the day-to-day excitment of not knowing where to go. And even though I complain about random days off with no pay, I may miss them. Then again, I am happy to know that I am going to the same school and working with the same kids every day. I also know this is a great move for me and a step toward a full-time position in the fall, which is what I have been hoping for.
I am not really worried about the content. In the last month or so of subbing I have successfully covered many subject areas with no problems. It's the interactions with the students that I worry about. I hope I can help them and work with them without too many outbursts or tantrums.
Students always surprise me. Just when I thought high school subbing was the last thing I wanted to do, I had a super easy day Monday. And the best thing I heard all day was a senior boy who said, ""Our sub is hot." That doesn't hurt a gal's self esteem at all, does it?


Jen Vogelsong said...

Exciting, indeed. When do you start there?

Nicki S. said...
