I have had good times and bad, for sure. I realize that a lot of people think I am making a stupid move -- leaving a flexible job as a food writer, a job many people envy. Apparently, these people don't realize that every job, even this one, has its negatives. And if you haven't read the news - which wouldn't surprise me because that's why this business is weak - newspapers are struggling. I am not jumping ship because of that.
The funny thing is, I've always wanted to teach. I was getting recommendations letters from my J school professors to go back to school for my teaching certificate. But like a good little college graduate, I decided to try out this thing we call journalism. And here I am, 5.5 years later, still trying it out. I loved this job at one time, but it's always been in the back of my mind to teach. I love school and I love kids. And just because I am teaching doesn't mean I can't still write. I couldn't teach while I was writing.
Nate was so encouraging and (thank goodness) financially supportive enough for me to be able to make this move. And my family and friends know that I am a hard worker and no matter how uncertain my teaching career path is, it will work out. So, they support me, too.
I'll keep you updated on my teaching adventures. I am sure I will have great stories to tell, just like I did when I was a journalist.
And we can't wait to hear them! Good luck sista! I know how hard you work, and I know you'll do well whatever you're doing. :)
I love my friends :-)
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